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Fall Reading Collection: Mysteries

Fall Reading Collection: Mysteries

$118.92 $101.08
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Item #: UX8562
Format: Set of five books
What's better than curling up on a cool night with an intriguing mystery? A set of 5 mysteries! Dear bluestockings, you can stock up the mystery section in your library for less when you buy our fall collection of mystery books at 15% off the cover prices. It includes Deception by Gaslight (A Gilded Gotham Mystery) by Kate Belli, The Secrets of Hartwood Hall... More
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What's better than curling up on a cool night with an intriguing mystery? A set of 5 mysteries! Dear bluestockings, you can stock up the mystery section in your library for less when you buy our fall collection of mystery books at 15% off the cover prices. It includes Deception by Gaslight (A Gilded Gotham Mystery) by Kate Belli, The Secrets of Hartwood Hall by Katie Lumsden, The Woman Inside by M.T. Edvardsson, Obelists at Sea by C. Daly King, and Exiles by Jane Harper. That's more than 1,700 pages thrills and intrigue.

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