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by Peter Zheutlin


by Peter Zheutlin
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Item #: UW1182
Format: Hardcover, 273 pages; 2021
In Spin, Peter Zheutlin masterfully tells the (mostly) true story of his great-great-aunt Annie Kopchovsky, who, through her adventures on her bicycle, becomes known to the world as Annie Londonderry. At the young age of twenty-three, Annie takes up the bold challenge of attempting to win a sizable wager while cycling around the world, often alone and often ... More
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In Spin, Peter Zheutlin masterfully tells the (mostly) true story of his great-great-aunt Annie Kopchovsky, who, through her adventures on her bicycle, becomes known to the world as Annie Londonderry. At the young age of twenty-three, Annie takes up the bold challenge of attempting to win a sizable wager while cycling around the world, often alone and often in dangerous situations. Zheutlin creatively writes Spin as told through the lens of a letter written by Annie to her granddaughter, Mary. It's a spirited whirlwind of a read!

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