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Etty Hillesum: A Life Transformed

Author: Patrick Woodhouse

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Item #: UY5982
Format: Paperback
Pages: 176
Publication Date: 2019
ISBN: 9781472972132
Jewish philosopher and mystic Etty Hillesum was twenty-seven when she began writing a diary in 1941. Within a few years she would be dead, one of the millions of victims of Hitler. Remarkably, however, her spiritual maturity and optimism grew in Auschwitz. "There are many miracles in a human life," she wrote. "My own is one long sequence of inner miracles." ... More
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Jewish philosopher and mystic Etty Hillesum was twenty-seven when she began writing a diary in 1941. Within a few years she would be dead, one of the millions of victims of Hitler. Remarkably, however, her spiritual maturity and optimism grew in Auschwitz. "There are many miracles in a human life," she wrote. "My own is one long sequence of inner miracles." Woodhouse effectively portrays her abiding faith, her acceptance of her fate and love for her enemies, but also her periods of depression. The result is a hopeful but unsentimental portrait of a modern saint.

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