A Literary Map

Submitted by Linda K. Floyd

Bentley, Cheever, Baldwin, Dahl,
Bronte, Joyce, O’Neill, Vidal.

Amazing map that I have found
Literary names abound!

Hilton, Irving, Lawrence, Poe,

Albee, Shakespeare, Hemingway,
Waugh and Hardy, Thackeray.

Williams, Crane, TORTILLA FLAT.
Shelley, Jackson. How ’bout that?

Homer, Atwood, Lowell, Maine,
Mitford, Burroughs, Thoreau, Twain.

Sinclair, Hawthorne, Crane, DeFoe,
Frost and Cummings, Swift and Snow.

Hugo, Milton, Spenser, Read,
Emerson, Goldsmith, and Reed.

Bacon, Crisp, Brown, White and Rice,
DuMas, Dana, Reading (thrice).

ILIAD and Cicero,
Hammett, Fielding, and Corso.

King and Queen and Gold and White,
Wilder, Wells, Longfellow, Wright.

Kipling, Orwell, Hersey, Pound,
Wolfe, Sontag, and Tolstoy found.

Verne and Faulkner, Pope and West,
Chesterton and all the rest.

Make this literary quest
North and south, and east and west.


About the Author:

Linda K Floyd is a retired high school English teacher, a bluestocking, and a journal/scrapbook keeper. Her all-time favorite book is the next one.