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Curated Kids Collection

Curated Kids Collection

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Item #: UT8102
It can be difficult to sift through the vast number of children's books published each year to find those special gems that capture the imagination of little ones while also offering a life-enriching component. So, we turned to an expert for help: Michael Rawls, aka The Book Wrangler (check out his blog at, is a beloved elementary-sc... More
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It can be difficult to sift through the vast number of children's books published each year to find those special gems that capture the imagination of little ones while also offering a life-enriching component. So, we turned to an expert for help: Michael Rawls, aka The Book Wrangler (check out his blog at, is a beloved elementary-school librarian recently named Library Media Specialist of the Year for the Atlanta Public Schools system. We hope you enjoy his insightful recommendations of the following storybooks for kids ages 4 to 10. Based on the feedback from our staff 's wee bluestockings, his picks are spot-on!
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